Event held on October
Dinner with the Stars
Provided by:
All Day
To Be Held At
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About the Event
Dinner with the stars is the perfect night out. Whether it's with your sweetheart or a group of friends, this evening will amaze and entertain you.
Your adventure starts with a delicious two-course meal at the Barrack’s Café with an introductory presentation on what to look out for in the night sky. Then move out into the grounds where you will explore the heavens through some powerful telescopes and learn more about the mysteries of the night sky.
Close to town but far enough away to be able to see the magic of the heavens, get yourself ready for a very special night out.
This event is a partnership program with Mt Stromlo Observatory.
Warm clothing is recommended for the stargazing, and observations on the night are weather dependent.
Entry Cost
All tickets $100 - Concession - $100
Adult - $120