Event held on November
Drizzle Boy
Provided by:
All Day
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To Be Held At
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About the Event
Drizzle Boy is autistic. Drizzle Boy is poked, prodded and diagnosed by a world that wants to change him and a family who doesn’t understand him. Then, on his first day of university, he meets Juliet and suddenly everything seems possible — even his lifelong dream of building a rocket and blasting-off toward the stars!
But Drizzle Boy’s day-to-day life is harder than navigating intergalactic space travel. He’s going to need all the help he can get — that’s where you come in! You’re invited to climb aboard this wildly audacious and wonderfully affirmative rocket ride as Drizzle Boy launches out to Canberra.
Drizzle Boy was the smash-hit of Queensland Theatre’s 2023 Season, and Canberra Theatre Centre is delighted to be able to introduce him to a whole new audience across the country. And, yes, in case you are wondering, Space Bear is definitely coming too!
Entry Cost
Adult $69.95 - a transaction fee applies
![Image for Drizzle Boy](https://assets.atdw-online.com.au/images/3b8de6d1285f0f4b0b6a1427bd518b13.jpeg?rect=0%2C0%2C1600%2C1200&w=800&h=600&rot=360&q=eyJ0eXBlIjoibGlzdGluZyIsImxpc3RpbmdJZCI6IjY2MWNhNDBiNzg4YjM0NWQ3ZjI4OTJjZSIsImRpc3RyaWJ1dG9ySWQiOiI1NmIxZWI5NDQ0ZmVjYTNkZjJlMzIyNGEiLCJhcGlrZXlJZCI6IjU2YjFmNjNmMGNmMjEzYWQyMGRlZGY1ZSJ9)