Event held on November 02

Glass Blowing Experience at Canberra Glassworks: Make Your Own Vase, Tumbler or Bird

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About the Event


Get a taste for the Hotshop in this unique one-on-one glass blowing class! Choose to blow your own glass vessel or bird in this one-of-a-kind glass blowing experience with the guidance of a skilled glass blowing teachers. This individual class runs most weekends and is suitable for ages 16 yrs+. Book either: Make Your Own Bird | duration: 20 minutes Make Your Own Vessel (tumbler or small vase) | duration: 40 minutes Entry Cost All tickets $120 - Make Your Own Bird: $120 for 20 minute class / Make Your Own Vessel: $200 for 40 minute class Only available as individual classes (one-on-one). Separate bookings must be made for more than one person otherwise see our other classes and tours. Participants must be 16yrs+.