Event held on October
Vinyl Lounge
Provided by:
All Day
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To Be Held At
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About the Event
Vinyl lovers rejoice!
Bring your treasured vinyl records and hear what’s spinning on the NFSA’s turntables at our monthly listening party. In June, we’re celebrating all things Beatles to mark the 60th anniversary of their famous 1964 tour to Australia. Bring your favourite Beatles and solo Beatles tracks and covers!
Proceeds of ticket sales support the development of the NFSA sound collection. Come along from 5pm to enjoy drinks and snacks before the session starts at 5.30pm.
Entry Cost
All tickets $5 - Proceeds of ticket sales support the development of the NFSA sound collection.
Be rewarded for every paid screening, event or exhibition at the NFSA every time you visit. Your seventh visit is free. More details at https://www.nfsa.gov.au/footer/visit-us/venue-information/ticketing