Looking to volunteer? Search by locations and times to find a provider.

Engaging in community service is an opportunity to become an active member of your community and has a lasting, positive impact on society at large. Community service enables you to acquire life skills and knowledge, help to resource the mission of a Provider, as well as provide a service to those who need it most.

Tips for getting started: First, ask yourself if there is something specific you want to do?

For example, do I want… 

  • to make it better around where I live 
  • to meet people who are different from me
  • to try something new
  • to do more with my interests and hobbies 
  • to do something I’m good at


The best way to be an effective volunteer is to match your personality and interests with the organisation. Having answers to these questions will help you narrow down your search.


Then, select a Provider offering a VAKS service where you can provide a positive benefit.  You can search by locations and times to narrow down providers that are in your area.


Find the Provider contact details and communicate with the organisation directly. Don’t contact vaks.org.au to volunteer please as this is an online directory service only.


We sincerely hope that your relationship with them will be profitable and rewarding for all.