Event held on November 08

Canberra Swiss Choir rehearsal

Provided by: Canberra Swiss Club Inc

Event runs from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM
Monthly on the second Tuesday
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About the Event


The Canberra Swiss choir ‘Crèmeschnitte Chörli’ is a lively group of people who sing for fun. We sing traditional songs in our national languages. The choir performs regularly at Swiss Club functions, but we also reach out into the community and perform at nursing homes and at festive events. From time to time we perform at concerts with the German and Austrian choirs.

Rehearsals are held twice a month, on the second Tuesday and the fourth Tuesday of each month from 6:00pm to 7:30pm at the Harmonie German Club Narrabunda. New singers are welcome. Auditions are not required.