Event held on May
[REMOVED] Birds of Australia
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About the Event
A new digital, interactive installation from the Australian Museum showcasing Australia's birdlife is now on show. The Birds of Australia STORYBOX, brings to life the iconic bird illustrations of John and Elizabeth Gould together with First Nations storytelling and knowledge.
Trace the journey of English ornithologist John Gould and his wife Elizabeth, as they travelled across New South Wales in the 1800s on one of the most significant birding expeditions in history, helping inform contemporary knowledge and conservation of Australian birds. The Goulds described and illustrated over 300 birds that were completely new to science, including the Pied Butcherbird (Cracticus nigrogularis) and the now extinct Paradise Parrot (Psephotellus pulcherrimus). It was an astonishing record of observation and sustained hard work.
The Goulds did not do this alone. First Nations guides and knowledge played a vital role in the study. For 60,000 years Australia’s birds have lived alongside First Nations peoples. Birds feature in sacred songlines, play important roles in hunting and ceremony, and are revered as spiritual totems and guides. The installation explores why understanding the significance of Australian birds from a First Nations perspectives and their role in connecting to Country is vital to our fragile future.
The Birds of Australia STORYBOX is a touring installation created by the Australian Museum and proudly supported by the NSW Government through Create NSW Blockbusters Funding initiative.
Extra Information
Source Australian Tourism Data Warehouse
Type Community Diary
Format Exhibition and Shows