Event held on August 04

Sheepvention Rural Expo

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About the Event


Sheepvention Rural Expo has been a cornerstone of the Australian Sheep industry for over four decades. Since its inception in 1979, this two day event has grown into one of the most prestigious rural events in Australia, providing an unrivalled platform for agribusiness, machinery, equipment, livestock, and professional services. The 2024 event will be held at the Showgrounds in the heart of Hamilton, regional Victoria – The epicenter of the pastoral and agricultural industry for over 160 years. For generations, the event has been a source of great traditions and childhood memories, bringing together the top stakeholders within the industry to showcase a vast array of products and services. From the Hamilton and Western District Sheep Show, yard dog championships, ram sales to agritrade, home and garden, schooling, and more, Sheepvention Rural Expo provides a stage for our rural communities to come together to network and connect. In addition to showcasing new technology, Sheepvention features an inventions competition that highlights some of the most creative and inventive ideas from entrepreneurs and inventors. Every inventor has to start somewhere, and at Sheepvention, you can take advantage of the opportunity to connect with various educational providers, including secondary, university and tertiary institutions. The team look forward to welcoming you to Sheepvention Rural Expo in 2024!