Event held on June 20

National Institute of Circus Arts present FAMOUS

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The National Institute of Circus Arts (NICA) is thrilled to present the third-year student ensemble show, titled FAMOUS, directed by artist Carita Farrer Spencer. In this circus-theatre show for the century, a posse of egomaniacs discover that the road to hell is paved with red carpet and a god complex that can only get them so far. The young NICA divas thrive under the direction of prolific multidisciplinary artist, Carita Farrer Spencer (Pescado, NICA 2015). The performers tumble, twirl, and fly in the shoes of the rich and famous as they perform acts of swinging trapeze, Chinese pole, acrobatics and more. An Oscar-worthy performance of opulence and grandeur, FAMOUS is toxic, delusional, batty, and brilliant.